About the Proprietor

Biographical information: Male, young adult, resides somewhere in California. I doubt that you will be suprised by that demographic profile.

My narrow range of interests includes tinkering with desktop Linux, the awareness of which started upon booting Ubuntu 18.04 for the first time on an old ThinkPad. All I wanted at first was to get a few extra frames out of Minecraft (which I was able to do!), but since then, I've become appreciative of Unix's eco-system, even if my knowledge is unimpressive. This web-page is my newest object of experimentation.

I also treat amateur radio as a hobby, and I may talk about it here (though I won't share my callsign due to privacy concerns).

About the Website

This website arose from the guides on landchad.net (Luke Smith's guides are a divine gift for incompentents like me). For the layout, I am indebted to the author of this Neocities page for showing me the basics. Setting it up and experimenting with website layout has been a fun project, but consequently, this website layout is made by the foremost of amateurs. I made the background by consulting this resource and adapting the advice contained therein to tiling backgrounds as best as I could.

Because of this, I am using a gratuitously large background image (~1.5 MB!), but since the remainder of the webpage is so small, I am willing to leave it be for now.

This site is clearly descended from the tradition of Neocities sites, but I won't go crazy with the CSS or try to replicate "old" websites very much. I want the layout to make sense on its own, but I will probably throw some buttons from around the web into the links page at some point.

One final thing: This is my first attempt at using HTML/CSS (or even at web-mastering at all), so I would appreciate correction if something is broken or poorly implemented. Contrary to popular belief, I don't know what I'm doing.